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teisha k h is a multidisciplinary artist who was raised in a nomadic military family. With a father from Arkansas and a mother from Canada, Holloway became interested in identity as it relates to the narrative of a family structure that is informed by the situations and surroundings of the global climate. She touches on themes of connection, interlocking cycles of behavior, traditions, family, and the forming of a sense of self as it relates to such themes.

teisha k h received a BFA from Clemson University in 2017 and an MFA from  Alfred University in 2020. Her practice is interdisciplinary and often process-oriented installation work that exists in the form of documentation. She draws from personal experiences of growing up as a military dependent to becoming a single mom in poverty. Her work aims to bring voice and power to the children of working class families in America by highlighting their oppression.

Artist Statement

I create art as a way to reach out to the public and promote social change to put an end to the oppression of the American people. With my work I am constantly analyzing the cycles of patriarchal power and the rise of feminism into the modern world and I draw from my own experiences of intergenerational trauma to draw a correlation to finding a balance of feminine and masculine power. My work often uses imagery and objects that reference nature and technology as a metaphor for the need to find a balance of power that equally protects our future generations as they inherit the Earth.

My work also examines the inner working of family dynamics of power and compares them to governmental rule and asks for a call to action for a more feminized version of power that is nurturing and compassionate to all of our countries people. While it challenges the viewer to think about the knowledge that has been passed down to them through their family and question their sense of reality.

In other more easily digestible terms I want us to all live a harmonious life free of oppression and constant fear, but as a country, the laws and power structures we have are rapidly becoming outdated and have been a source of oppression for working-class and low socio-economic people and I believe with a little elbow grease and some self reflection we can change things.

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